Frida Berrigan – Annual Dinner – March 23, 2019

Photo: Susie Ravitz
Frida Berrigan – Annual Dinner – March 23, 2019

“How Nuclear Weapons Ruined My Life:  They’re Probably Ruining Yours too”

Frida Berrigan is the author of It Runs In The Family: On Being Raised by Radicals and Growing into Rebellious Motherhood (OR Books, 2015). She is a TomDispatch regular, writes the Little Insurrections column for WagingNonviolence.Org, serves on the board of the War Resisters League and is active with Witness Against Torture. She has three children and lives in New London, Connecticut. 

View Frida’s speech at the LEPOCO Annual Dinner.

After the dinner, Frida shared an article with LEPOCO that was very close to her speech at the dinner. Follow the link to read: